Article Review 1:
Killion, J., (2002) Loading the e-learning shopping cart, Journal of Staff Development 23 no 1.
Located at: This article discusses that staff development, no matter what the modality of delivery, needs to improve student achievement and high quality standards. Decision makers should consider many factors before implementing e-learning and technology for staff development which include:
- Results- with limited resources to invest in staff development method the method of delivery must be effective and provide enhanced learning for students as an end result.
- Quality Learning Experiences- there are staff development standards available (NSDC: National Staff Development Council ) that school districts can integrate into their staff development plan. Utilizing both face to face and e-learning offers effective results.
- Content Quality and Flexibility- technology content can very in quality, decision makers should verify the content is aligned with the needs of the school district, educators and can improve student achievement. E-learning content should be customizable in order to tailor the learning experience to meet their personal and professional goals.
- Flexible Time- e-learning allows interaction 24/7 and learners can revisit content as often as needed to fully comprehend content.
- Forms of E-learning- includes many types of technology: Internet-based courses, computer-based learning, video tapes, audio tapes and interactive television. Ongoing learning and development is necessary to provide regular time to learn during an educator's work day.
- Learner Readiness- success is related to learner's comfort and skills using technology. Providing an orientation to the technology being used can increase motivation and desire to learn.
- Meeting Learning Needs- educators with unique skills or knowledge have additional opportunities to connect with other educators or experts and expand ones knowledge which might not otherwise be available.
- Follow-up Support- using technology to provide feedback and coaching on a regular basis to implement new techniques and knowledge increases the success of e-learning.
- Graphically Appealing- content should be presented in a manner which does not distract from the learning process.
- Technical Support- needs to be accessible during the learning times. Participation will more likely continue if technical support is available when a problem occurs.
- Interactivity- decreases the feeling of isolation by creating an interactive community among learners and instructor by providing timely feedback, participation in group work, discussion boards and email.
- Platform Independence and Places for Learning- having access at both home and work in a suitable learning environment that provide resources to enhance learning. E-learning should not be platform specific.
- Credit for Staff Development – the amount of seat time may not be the most appropriate method of determining credit for staff development, alternative assessment based on learner and student achievements should be the primary criteria for credit.
- Professional Learning Plans- establishing goals, documenting learning activities and developing assessment systems, which can be stored electronically, provide a method of tracking staff development and means of addressing additional staff development needs.
- Cost- analysis of products, services, infrastructure cost and savings (including both financial and human resources) is recommended before making a commitment on e-learning.
Implications: The author implies student achievement marks the success of any staff development program. E-learning and technology is the new era and has many benefits as long as high standards of quality are implemented and maintained. Planning, supportive leadership, and data-driven decision making are all necessary for an effective structure and high quality learning for educators.
Reaction: I agreed with the article, considering all facets of e-learning and maintaining high standards should be accomplished prior to any investment or implementation of staff development.
E-learning provides flexibility so a learner can access content when it is convenient and as often as needed. With traditional face to face delivery the content is only available when and where the presenter is located, which may not be feasible for the learner.
Technology can be effective if there is adequate technical support and appropriate learning environment. Flexible content, interaction with peers and the instructor are key elements to engaging the learner. E-learning is not for everyone, it is recommended that learners be motivated, possess some computer literacy and be independent prior to utilizing technology for staff development. With any staff development I believe some form of follow-up and ongoing communication is necessary to integrate and apply new strategies or knowledge.