1. SUBJECT: Teaching styles using CVIT technology

2. OBJECTIVES: - Learner will develop the following in relation to their individual teaching styles in the CVIT classroom:



A really good website on Videoconferencing Instructional Strategies can be found at: http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/vidconf/instruct.html

A. Discuss and review student guidelines and policies

B. Discuss and review techniques for students on how to work with CVIT technology.

C. Discuss and review best practices using CVIT Technology.


Submit the following to julie.cottin@wmich.edu , DDE instructional designer so Instructional Design team can review and expand this lesson for future CVIT instructors.

  1. Student guidelines and policies for your CVIT class be sure to include expectations.
  2. List of techniques your students will need to work with CVIT technology.
  3. List of best practices using CVIT technology that work with your teaching strategies.


Copyright© 2003-2005 Julie Cottin