1. SUBJECT: Teaching styles using CVIT technology
2. OBJECTIVES: - Learner will develop the following in relation to their individual teaching styles in the CVIT classroom:
- Develop student guidelines and policies.
- Develop list of techniques for students on how to work with CVIT technology.
- Develop list of best practices using CVIT technology.
- Videoconferecing for learning: http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/vidconf/
- Videoconferencing Cookbook:http://www.videnet.gatech.edu/cookbook/
A really good website on Videoconferencing Instructional Strategies can be found at: http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/vidconf/instruct.html
A. Discuss and review student guidelines and policies
- At the beginning of the course provide a handout and discuss student expectations concerning guidelines and policies this will vary depending on teaching strategies.
- Guidelines
- Alert instructor if problems understanding or technical difficulties.
- Particiption method- determine if students should interrupt during the class or wait for a designated time for questions and other communications.
- Speak loudly and cleary to get attention.
- Time delay- there is a short time delay between sites.
- Microphones voice activated. Camera has wide angle of classroom.
- Method of addressing class- state name and location which lets the instructor and other students know who is talking and provides time for the camera to move and focus.
- Extra noise can be distracting, eliminate side conversations, rustling papers, eating and any unnecessary noise.
- Explain to students microphones and cameras are ALWAYS recording- DO NOT say anything in class that you do not want everyone else to hear. Passing papers quietly is recommended.
- Assume more responsibility (than in a traditional face-to-face course) for his or her learning.
- Site Coordinator responsible for technical aspect not to provide students with course content information.
- Students are responsible to read ALL course materials, including announcements from the instructor.
- Policies
- Participation points- students will be rewarded with participation points each week attendence and participation is encouraged.
- Participation in this class requires you to be viewed and recored by a camera. Recordings will not be used outside of context of course. DO NOT ask site coordinator to not zoom in on you.
- Groupwork
- during class will be done with other site participants.
- outside of class can be done with other site participants using email, phone and other methods of communication agreeable by participants.
- will be shared with other sites.
- Assignments: methods of submital, due dates and penalty for late assignments.
- Assignment Schedule for entire semester-Sample layout
- Submit in class (site coordinator will have to postal mail- delay
- Submit via email
- Submit via WebCT dropbox-contained
- Due dates should be clear
- Penalty for late assignments or will late assignments be accepted
- Communication outside of class
- Email Address
- Phone number(s) with acceptable hours
- Face to Face meetings
- Fax with number
- Online chat- program with username
- Recorded class tapes: each class is recorded additional copies of tapes provided based on the following:
- Technical difficulty tapes will be provided for free to students experiencing difficulty.
- Missed Class or Review- instructor must approve release and a fee will be assessed.
- Keep a copy of all assignments until the end of the semester.
- Review and refer to the syllabus for all pertinent information.
- This course complies with the WMU academic calendar available at http://www.wmich.edu/registrar/calendar.html
- Standard of Academic Honesty: You are responsible for making yourself aware of and understanding the policies and procedures in the [Undergraduate Catalog (pp. 268-269) / Graduate Catalog (pp. 26-27)] that pertain to academic integrity. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse. If there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s). If you believe you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with me if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test.
- You are responsible for making yourself aware of and understanding of various computer use policies adopted by the University (http://www.wmich.edu/oit/policies/webpolicy.html).
B. Discuss and review techniques for students on how to work with CVIT technology.
- Student Presentations- provide explanation of limitations of microphones and cameras prior to student presenting. No sudden movements, pacing.
- Participation- best to keep eye contact with camera and speak clearly.
- Explain and demonstrate time delays.
- Use handouts of PowerPoints and lectures to take notes. Handouts provide to encourage listening not writing.
- Site coodinator responsible for zooming in on particpant and can not exclude individuals. (Instructor and other students need to see who is speaking.)
C. Discuss and review best practices using CVIT Technology.
- VideoCall- Best Practices in Distance Learning- Fundementals for Teachers:
- Keep other sites included, address other sites, throughout the class period to prevent "loosing" their interest.
- Do a "role call" at the beginning of the class which is also a good time to check audio and visuals.
- Encourage casual discussion at end of class to answer any questions or concerns.
- Break lecture into smaller segments with breakout segments or class interaction to keep students involved. Lengthy lectures using CVIT technology can be difficult for learners, a rule of thumb, don't lecture for more than 15 minutes. Breaks are encouraged at least once an hour.
- Provide copies of slides prior to class so that students can listen and not worry about documenting what is on the slides. (Encourage listening and participating not writing details that can be provided in handouts.) Students can write notes on handouts, if necessary. Don’t leave slides on for long periods of time--- students prefer seeing instructor or other students.
- Methods of providing handouts:
- Recommended: prior to class have students download and print handouts from website
- Recommended: prior to class have students download and print handouts from WebCT (password protected area)
- Possible but not best option: copy and send to sites prior to class and distribute in class. (coordinating with site coordinators necessary and possible mail delays)
- Small class size- encourage students to sit close together to avoid length time panning around class.
- Be creative
- don't just lecture
- team/group work
- comics
- calistentics (great when energy gets low)
- game show- everyone stands -randomly pick student and ask question- if correctly answers student can sit down.
- Provide site coordinators with guidelines for exams. See Guidelines for taking CVIT Exam (Word document). This guideline should be provided with every exam/test to each location.
- Communicate with site coordinators prior to class regarding activities planned. Be prepared.
- Discuss with site coodinators in advance, especially if you need site coordinator to prepare anything. Provide lesson plan including all additional materials that will be used during class.
- Sample Lesson Plan
- Sample Lesson Plan Template- (Word Document)
- Rotate originating site if possible, time, distance and budget may not allow this.
- Create and bring backup copy of all materials to be handed out or used during class. Backup copy will help eliminate technical difficulties with original.
Submit the following to julie.cottin@wmich.edu , DDE instructional designer so Instructional Design team can review and expand this lesson for future CVIT instructors.
- Student guidelines and policies for your CVIT class be sure to include expectations.
- List of techniques your students will need to work with CVIT technology.
- List of best practices using CVIT technology that work with your teaching strategies.
Copyright© 2003-2005 Julie Cottin